[Old News]- Nov. 20, 2024 — I'll be at AGU24 in Washington D.C. this December presenting a poster on our Venus simulation work (12/12/24 at poster S43C-3456).
- Aug. 8, 2024 — Myself and colleagues at UAF and UAA have been awarded a 3-year NASA EPSCoR project to estimate ground motion and wind noise to help inform specifications for a potential Venus lander mission.
About Me
I am an assistant professor of seismology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, within the Geophysical Institute and Department of Geosciences. As a seismologist, I spend my days looking at wiggles on a screen.
These wiggles correspond to waves bouncing through the Earth or traveling along its surface,
generated by things like earthquakes, explosions, surface processes (e.g., oceans, wind, landslides, glaciers), or people.
I am particularly interested in using seismology to: understand Earth structure, characterize unique sources, get out in the field, and provide resources to make science more accessible to all. Have a look at my research page for more details on things I work on. Prospective students interested in working with me on these topics are welcome to check out the students page for information on open opportunities. I will begin teaching in Spring semester, 2025.
In my free time, you might find me outside on rocks, ice, snow, and rivers.
Bryant Chow
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Geophysical Institute
2156 N Koyukuk Drive
Fairbanks, AK 99775
Office: Elvey 506E
Email: bhchow@alaska.edu
Phone: +1 907 474 7716
We acknowledge the Alaska Native nations upon whose ancestral lands our campuses reside. In Fairbanks, our Troth Yeddha' Campus is located on the ancestral lands of the Dena people of the lower Tanana River.