
Here you will find course pages and materials for courses I teach through the Department of Geosciences at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Have a look at the UAF GEOS course catalog for more information.
  • GEOS419 — Solid Earth Geophysics
    Course Description: Concepts and techniques of geophysics including origin of the Earth, its structure, and large scale dynamic processes responsible for its surface features. Geophysical techniques including seismology, gravity, and magnetic methods are discussed along with measurements of the Earth's thermal structure, rotation rates and tidal effects.

  • GEOS604 — Seismology
    Course Description: Seismology is the study of waves propagating through the Earth. These waves are most commonly generated by earthquakes, but can also be excited by surface processes such as landslides, ocean waves, atmospheric phenomenon, as well as anthropogenic sources like traffic and explosions. In this course we will cover fundamental topics required to understanding this field of study, including: stress and strain, the elastic wave equation, Fourier transforms and signal processing, ray theory, reflection/refraction seismology, body waves, surface waves, seismotectonics, seismic networks and instrumentation, and modern research topics in seismology.

  • (Prospective) Introduction to Computational Geosciences (Special Topic)
    Course Plan: I envision this class as an introduction to topics and tools in computational geoscience that may facilitate students in their day-to-day research. This course is meant to be a follow-on (++) of Programming and Automation for Geoscientists (GEOS636), where students should have learned about basic object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, terminal navigation and shell scripting. This class will take off from there to explore topics including: OOP, parallel programming, high performance computing, and advanced codewriting.